Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Merry Solstice Poem

It was the day after solstice and down at the site
Were our two giant trackers just waiting for light.
The day had been rainy, which was sort of alarming,
Another clear message of bad global warming.
Although they were wired to look for the sun,
We were nervous that now, now that all work was done
That gloom would prevent any movement of solars.
And we would be stuck with two giant black molars.
Then right there in front of me what should appear
But the shimmering sight of  slow moving gear. 

The panel swung round and then tipped toward the ground,
Shedding all the day's rain with a watery sound.   
The ebony plates swiveled south in their space
Until breaks in the clouds had them anchored in place.
And we heard them exclaim as we walked out of sight.

"Happy solstice to all and hurray for the Light."

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